One of design’s most fundamental tasks is to stand between revolutions and life, and to help people deal with change
If you are close to NY, you must definitely take a visit at the Design and the Elastic Mind exhibition at MoMa.
Quoted from the website:
Design and the Elastic Mind is a survey of the latest developments in the field. It focuses on designers’ ability to grasp momentous changes in technology, science, and social mores, changes that will demand or reflect major adjustments in human behavior, and convert them into objects and systems that people understand and use.
The exhibition lasts from February 24th to May 12th.
Investigation about creativity as driving force of the entire fashion system, analized as MICRO and MACRO creativity.
Prediction of the future of the city of Milan which is actually enforcing a macro-creativity policy, totally desregarding micro-creativity, risking to implode on itself and gradually loose its role of fashion capital.
Hospital System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
A system is not a system without its USER. A hospital is not a hospital without its PATIENT.
1. This is the hospital system.
As a complex it has some problems that are difficult to predict and solve. Why these problems could happen? How about looking better to the user’s hospital system? The user needs to face the system and to understand it to start a process. The user is not just another element of the system. He’s a person. He’s not just one, but many. And they are all different from each other. They have different cultures. They will all access the hospital. What happen then? It seems we have a problem.
2. What can we do?
Let’s imagine a nurse who goes everyday to the hospital. She arrives at same time, goes to the clothing and gets ready to start her work. But now, the procedure has changed. She also takes something else. A tool. A tool which is capable to collect users’s data. She assistes patients everyday. Builds a personal relationship with them. She collects multicultural behavior database during all day. By the end of the job day, she takes it and turns it off. She’ll repeat the same actions in the next day. Monthly she must take this tool to the collecting data specialist. The sociologist analyzes and evaluates these data. This new collaborative evaluation gives the opportunity to model learning actions. And future actions. This new service brings a new perception about the multicultural approach inside the hospital. The new service personalyzes the communication between patients and all the actors who work inside the hospital.
3. It helps to decode the multicultural perception.
Because is not the user who should adapt himself to the system, but the system that must get adapted to the user. A system is not a system without its user. A hospital is not a hospital without its patient.
Media System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
The map shows a possible scenario formulated from the study about the Media System Map in theItalian area. We pointed out that in the setting of the editorial groups there are few principal actors,who act in the editorial field, in particular in thebook market: GeMS, Mondadori e RCS.
Their receipts, relative and absolute, turn outto be quite down in relation to the other editorial groups that concern with other media. Howeverthese editorial groups detain the monopoly of themain publishing houses in the italian marketplace.
From the map we can see also the growing tendenceto the user’s direct involvement into the system, who is productor of contents more and more personalized, and to the resulting amplificationof the gap created in the map where the user is situated.
The hypothesized scenario therefore plan the collaboration between all editorial groups who work in the editorial field, so that they could join their resources to increase their capital and visibility in this area.
These goals could be obtained matching also the resources of the users who take part of this initiative, improving their contents. From this further partnership a new product is brought to life.
Infrastructure System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Initially, when the committee is formed, we have taken the commitment to respond promptly to all questions, the technical questions, requests for clarification and claim that the participants in the committee vsebujejo gradually. At first it was not easy to convince the offices of the province that had to respond to all at once. But gradually the mechanism was engaged, so obviously imperfect (given the high number of observations prevented), but acceptable. This step was very important. The committee members, accustomed to the fact that the authorities do not respond almost ever, were very impressed by the fact that in this case the answer came almost forever. (Luigi Bobbio, A più voci)
Management tools in the design of infrastructure
The clear box is a communication project that follows the process of implementation by the beginning of the implementation.
The clear box presents methods for the management of communication between those aims, finances, designs and implements infrastructure in the territory (Kit). The clear box speaks and interacts with the public administration closer to the territory concerned with the municipalities, provinces and regions.
The clear box is composed of a team that encompasses the skills required to manage the service.
Arguably we figure competent in the field of information who will be covering the operation and maintenance of the portal to the advice with the target.
The clear box finally provide assistance on the use of various tools provided.
The core of the application. The application is the central collection and display of information on infrastructure: shows the variations in cost of funds, their origin and their destination, the data public companies dealers involved in the design and implementation of the various resolutions public, details of environmental impact assessments and the timing of implementation.
The application structure and portrays the information in a graphics card info “in line so that the data are quickly available. A scheduled informational stabilise the Report on paper the amount of updated data.
The objectives
The clear box wants to provide the public communication methodologies and tools for understanding and perceiving the problems of citizens, disseminate accurate information, find and interact with stakeholders, explain and resolve conflicts:
Providing accurate and accessible information on the project
Do not ignore potentially important aspects
Empowering and involve public administrations also in the early stages
Facilitate the collection of ideas, opinions, doubts and concerns from all stakeholders
Facilitate consultation procedures of information
The kit is the tool that will serve to interface with the administration application that will help to carry out consultations with stakeholders in the territory and to standardize the feedback so that they could be integrated in order to have an overall view more accessible .
Kit will probably declined in three models, each of which will face a precise stage:
Techniques for listening: used especially in the early stages, when it comes to begin an inclusive process, to identify possible partners and understand what are the issues on which to work;
Techniques for constructive interaction: methods that help participants to speak among themselves and to produce interesting conclusions;
Techniques for conflict resolution: methods that help to tackle controversial issues. They can be used when a conflict arises;
Every administration, received the kit, must take action to publicise the consultation, organize assemblies according to the rules we have provided for the holding back the results of the consultation through the same access to specially created within the application.
The purpose of the kit will be:
Fostering understanding to non-specialists
Structuring the second shared rules
Commit transparency
Especially the last point is that we believe more problematic in view of Italian and it is also what we hope to give more results.
Through this procedure in fact forces the government to take timely attitude of the most felt by the population. Any lack of willingness to cooperate with this project will be highlighted in and will be visible to all.
The Application is the aggregator of information from the clear box. Data is entered into preset mode (also in “Wizard”) The data relate to the second phase of the project:
Data Project:
Data traffic population
Loans (public funds and private donors)
Materials (origin, quantity, cost)
Data sources
Environmental data
Data proper geological, biological, naturalistic
Espropri, deforestation
Any deliberations EIA
Data sources
Rulings; dates of conference services
Any reference laws
Data sources
Construction Data
Information on companies dealerships
Tempistiche of yards
The application incorporates memory and takes comments also registered user via web and shows the geography of the territory.
The data stored will be structured to get the report in its consultation paper, manage and send newsletters to date.
The clear box comes alive during the first phase of construction of infrastructure and then collects data from all stakeholders: public administrations, builders, lenders and developers.
The information collected thus giving the go-ahead to a process that will continue, acting at every stage until the end of the public.
For work is completed will then form a dossier which will be a sort of memory.
The clear box will be available to public administrations through the gateway, but also through service information service for citizens, which is available in several “release”, according to the different requirements.
Media System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
The map of Italian media system present in the foreground the role of the publishing market and its major players, compared to the chain of contents. This level in the production chain is characterized, within the diagram, through the relationship between editorial portfolio and absolute revenues, from which emerge the relative revenues. The critical analysis of this strategic dimension, offers comparisons between the different types of publisher, starting on the basis of these observations and deductions, precise ideas of the possible changes of the system. In particular, noting the portion where are placed the publisher’s televisions shows that Telecom is in disadvantage compared with its competitors: Mediaset and RAI. Despite editorial choices rather than positive in terms of uniformity and consistency of editorial contents, Telecom is a minor publisher, also considering its portfolio, related exclusively to the television and the Internet interfaces.
On the opposite side of the editorial circle, it becomes clear another actor, for the size tied to a single product: the free-press newspaper Metro. The assumption we have made connecting these two realities, suggests a scenario in which Telecom enlarge its portfolio remaining closed to the same target audience (young 20/40 years, culture medium-high, residents in the major urban centres) connected to the Internet and self-production, to enter the market of free-press, increasing the value of the monthly newspaper Urban.
Infrastructure System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Decisions are normally taken from the high, by a minority of players, leaving out those more related to the territory.
How we can get them in?
Through four steps: awakening, aggregating, activating, complaining
How does our scenario develop?
Federconsumatori, monitoring the situation constantly, discovers that into the National Action Plan it’s provided the building of a new infrastructure. So, she communicates immediately this news to her subsection placed on the area.
The local division of Federconsumatori organizes a communication plan to awake population.
Citizens are now informed and actively involved until the pre-stage, with the possibility to create their own proposal.
Town councils, provinces and regions, representatives of Federconsumatori at the local level and of all associations involved participate at the table of conciliation
Decisions, taken in this table, are then reported by the institutions at the decision-making table.
Federconsumatori offers tools that allows from one side to inform citizens about the development of the system and from the other side to become thyself an active part in the creation of this story.
This continuous monitoring system can’t avoid some decisions, that are contrary to what had been agreed together.
When this happens, citizens, more united, can start a protest focused and strong.
Hospital System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
The hospital system does not consider the user any more as a generic and standardized customer, but it takes conscience of the psychological factors able to condition and affect positively not only on the lasting, but also the recovery itself. The patient is not deprived any more of his characteristics, identity and culture, and it is considered lending attention to his necessities, given both by the subjective characteristics of the individual, and by the illness itself.
More precisely, the background is focussed on the patient of the department of oculistics, what following an accident or illness, and consequent operation, temporarily has a severe sight loss, or not seeing, but also to the patient whose sight is degenerating without possibility of recovery.
In the analyses led before a poor attention has been noticed by the hospital management towards the space in which the patient spends his stay in the hospital: the critical state emerged inside the relationship patient-structures is principally the lack of a true and real ambient atmosphere.
To solution of this problem will act on the perceived ambient atmosphere from patient, working on variables what the privacy, the comfort, the necessity of possession contacts with the outside world, the necessity of being diverted and the possibility of orienting himself without difficulty inside the space, without never omitting the problems of patients of the specific department in which the project proves true.
Hospital System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
The scenario “Emotive analfabetysm” represents how the introduction of the narrative medicine can modify the hospital system. From the title, we understand that the aspect of the incapability of some doctors to create a relationship with patients, and to see the patient as a person and not as a number. The scenery shows how this change is possible thanks to the narrative medicine, that now we have not study, but only considered in the formal and stylistic representation.
So, we decided to use a paper, not a video, precisely to avoid the use of an instrument cold and less manual. The used technique, taken from the comic style, gives the idea of drawing, to express as much as possible what a person has in mind, and thus the free-hand drawing. The choice uf using only the white and black came from the characteristinc of our scenario: it can be finished and then compiled (and terminated) by anyone, by every person that reads this paper. The reader in the moment in which was writing and then designing (ending his scenario) was making narrative medicine.
Fashion System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Four times a year Milan receives international press and buyers from all over the world who come to see the male and female pret-à-porter fashion shows.
Milan fashion week, however presents some critical aspects. These problems, if ignored, can reduce its appeal and reliability.
Cities as Copenhagen and New York, thanks to the investments in image and talented youth, give a constant impulse to their economic growth and give us new example to think about.
The video lists all the critical aspects of the current milano fashion week, comparing it to the Copenhagen one. Milan and Copenhagen are personied, as into the famous “mac vs. pc ads” because of their potentiality to
underline dierences.
To solve the problems listed above, as designers, it is necessary to: