Archive for the “Density Design Lab” Category

Infrastructure System | Fedora

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Infrastructure System | Fedora
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

“In the center of Fedora, that gray stone metropolis “, there is a multitude of crystal globes. Inside each crystal globe you can find a different figure, a fine model about a conceivable metropolis.
Fedora project means to show thinking diversities, questions, troubles and each possible hypothesis while we plan an infrastructural project. Fedora belongs to our social world: it is sharing information, it is our memory.

Hospital System | Labirintignoti

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Hospital System | Labirintignoti
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Following a change of philosophy, due to the recent studies’ results, the hospital system does not consider the user any more as a generic and standardized customer, but it takes conscience of the psychological factors able to condition and affect positively not only on the times, but also the recovery itself. The patient is not deprived any more of his characteristics, identity and culture, and it is considered paying attention to his necessities, given both by the subjective characteristics of the individual, and by the illness itself. From here it is born the project of improvement of ambient atmosphere, which sees in Regione Lombardia the subject promoter of the initiative; to this, a communication and an action are partnership taken turned to awaken the audience and look for some companies by one: Labirintignoti, or rather a space prepared in his turn communicated by promocard, shows and posters 3d.

Hospital System | Hi!sotopia

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Hospital System | Hi!sotopia
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

A Hospital System constitutes a very complex system where there are intese flows of information, materials and, specially, people. In the designed map, it’s possible to see all the flows and procedural processes beloging to a standard italian hospital.
Doing a map’s scrutiny to find its critical points, it was clear to see that hospitals have an usual “company” structure and view about their patients. Patients are often considered as clients instead of patients, their different characteristics, knowledge about the system and cultural backgrounds are generally ignored.
The primary concept of this project is considering these differences. The first reflections generated by this approach are “How can the user know about all these processes to get his cure? And if he is a foreign? How can he express himself in this system?”

Hospital System | H.Story

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Hospital System | H.Story
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

A narrative based medicine project
H.story is a project that wants to promove the diffusion of the Narrative Based Medicine in the Italian hospitals. So the patients can express themselves, and this will help them to live a better time in hospital.
The goal is to produce and provide informative material on the Narrative Medicine, to awaken patients and people outside the hospital through events and informative campaigns. Furthermore the H.story diaries will be given in the hospitals: diaries in which the patients will be able to read stories and experiences written by patients, but there will be white pages to be written by you! It Will be you that -through your narration- will complete the diary. The narration of the illness will support your sensitiveness and furthermore sharing it with other people, will make it a very important resource!

Fashion System | Look at MI

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Fashion System | Look at MI
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The project aims at building a new brand image for Milano Moda, Milano fashion week. In order to reach this goal, we have planned some intermediate, micro steps that could lead us to Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (the organization that takes care of Milano Moda image) .
1. First of all we need to contact Triennale Museum, a Milan-based gallery where several cultural events take place.
2. With the help of Triennale we can ask the fashion designers to take part in the project.

They are requested to decorate black and white photos of Milan that will be shown during an exhibition at Triennale Museum. They also have to write their point of view on Milano and its fashion week.

Fashion System | Nodo

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Fashion System | Nodo
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The project aims to give new spaces for young people intresting in fashion. We have underlined a few points in order to reach this goal.
1. Rent at low cost a place where to work.
2. Speak about fashion and share knowledge.
3. Show ideas and project.

Fashion System | My Fashion

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

Fashion System | My Fashion
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

1 Fashion in the world
Fashion is illustrated from a worldwide point of view in its main four categories: design (fashion schools), production (import and export of textile and apparel), advertising (press and fashion shows) and retailing (high street and low cost).

2 Hidden Treasures in the System

A further analysis describes how the high street fashion brands operate. A stylist is responsible for the design that is then manufactured. The outcome penetrates the apparel market via fashion press, shows and finally retailing and -commerce.
There are some underemployed figures in this system. On one side there is redundancy of designers that therefore lack a good income and visibility. On the other hand there are underemployed tailors, a profession in extinction due to the hegemony of brand’s marketing and high labour costs. The third figure is represented by the consumers. American surveys indicates that many apparel buyers are not satisfied with the style and the fit currently available. These consumers would buy custom made garments but they can’t afford them. These three adrift figures could gain profits if connected through one platform.

3 MyFashion

Media Sytem | Millipix

Friday, February 29th, 2008


Media Sytem | Millipix
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Mpix represents some Designers involved by Telecom Media, active for pilot of a free digital press linked to the spread of two sustainable technologies of next development, Wimax and e-ink (electronic paper). This project consists therefore in two consecutive phases that employ various resources mobilizing mediatic interest through a teaser action directed at raising awareness public opinion and the development of visual identity of the new product: Millipix.

Media System | Silenziostampa!

Friday, February 29th, 2008

Media System | Silenziostampa!
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

“Silenziostampa” è un progetto d’informazione d’alto livello qualitativo, il cui obiettivo è il superamento dell’agenda setting temporale. Monitorando le notizie si punta ad offrire un’informazione continua e costante dei fatti, a differenza dei media tradizionali, che tendono ad abbandonare le notizie e a seguirne solo i colpi di scena.
Fulcro del progetto è un portale web, in cui sono pubblicati gli articoli organizzati per temi. Gli articoli sono in parte prodotti ad hoc da giornalisti ed esperti professionisti chiamati a collaborare con “silenziostampa”, in parte rinvenuti su altre testate provenienti da tutti i Paesi. Gli utenti sono invitati a collaborare al reperimento segnalando articoli interessanti alla redazione, che si preoccupa di verificarne il potenziale contenuto informativo e quindi di pubblicarli.

Media System | Kilibri

Friday, February 29th, 2008

Media System | Kilibri
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Lunga vita alla lettura!
All’interno del sistema dei media italiano, abbiamo analizzato e approfondito le caratteristiche e le problematiche del sistema editoriale e in particolare quello librario.Le case editrici posseggono varie collane editoriali specializzate in differenti tematiche, ma tutte sono accomunate dallo stesso problema dei fondi di magazzino invenduti.
Kilibri è un nuovo editore che riunisce sotto di sé tutte le maggiori case editrici e si propone di ‘salvare i libri condannati al macero’ dandogli una seconda chance con la vendita dei libri a peso. Inoltre vuole affiancare alla vendita dei fondi di magazzino anche quella dei libri usati portati sul punto vendita dagli stessi utenti, in modo tale da rafforzare la loro partecipazione attiva all’iniziativa.
La filosofia di Kilibri si basa sui concetti di riciclo e recupero delle risorse librarie inutilizzate, portando anche l’attenzione sui temi dell’ecologia e del rispetto per l’ambiente. Perché anche riciclare la carta ha un costo, non solo a livello economico, ma anche per l’ambiente. Senza pensare alle tonnellate di pagine da leggere che finiscono ogni anno al macero.