Archive for the “City” Category

Quality of life

Monday, August 11th, 2008

I have been discussing a lot about quality of life in the last month in very different situations, and it made me thinking this is a key and imperative issue now.
I presented a paper in Changing the change conference in Turin. The conference was about design research for sustainability and was a very outstanding place for exchanging ideas and meet interesting people. I spoke with Chris Ryan

Torino World Design Capital – Designing Connected Places Summer School – Complexity Maps

Sunday, August 3rd, 2008

About Complexity Maps
Torino is a city on the move. The tradition forms of representation are obsolete or inadequate to depict the current reality and the dynamics in progress. How can the city be made legible and comprehensible, understood as a complex organism and as a web of physical and social networks? The urban territory is a system whose complexity is growing, in which a multitude of tangible and intangible flows (people, goods, information) stratify and interconnect.

Environment Group


Main Research Conclusion:
The lack of communication between different kinds of actors (people, media, administration) overshadows the environmental and pollution problem of the project area.

History / Future Group
History and Future

Main Research Conclusion:
In the past social systems like the illegal allotments kept the connections between local actors alive. The place has been disconnected through top down design actions.

Mobility Group

Main Research Conclusion:
The current use of the park has been entirely determined by the a series of external factors that suggest its future dynamics

People Group

Main Research Conclusion:
The locked loops of local policy and money perpetuate a situation of local abandonment which feeds illegal activities and social & political exclusion.

(In)Security Group(In)Security

Main Research Conclusion:
the perception of safety in the area changed between 2003 and 2008

Complexity Maps

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Complex Faces
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

TWDC – Designing connected places Summer School –
Thank you all, it was amazing.

There isn't one space

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

George Perec

I was just hanging around in a library close to my office and I bought George Perec’s Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. While my friend was driving us back home I started to read it out, and that book became our map of a different city, a bright inspiration for the debate about space and urban planning. Try the experiment:

Biomapping Cities

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

Christian Nold thinks we should pay more attention to how… more

how make the city a safer place…

Sunday, October 7th, 2007

crime spotting
, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The ads I wrote to rent the flat near mine said “looking for open couple, freak single, student only if amazing, young people with particular night life…”. I thought it would help me to find a special and funny neighbour, someone you feel free to ask an egg for your midnight pasta.


Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

londons kerning, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Paris – Carte Intégrale

Tuesday, September 18th, 2007

Paris – Carte Intégrale, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Global cities

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

Global cities, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

An infographically-inspired exhibition at the Tate Modern addressing the major issues facing today’s cities, such as size, speed, form, density & diversity. The exhibition draws on data originally assembled for the 10th International Architecture Exhibition at the 2006 Venice Biennale. The show presents films, videos &

Christian Nold

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

Christian Nold, originally uploaded by densitydesign. Artist, lecturer, designer, cultural activist … etc.

His website unifies all the strands of his work, from participatory art projects, critical writing as well as new media and physical computing teaching.