After receiving his Master degree in Communication Design, Matteo worked at DensityDesign Lab as research assistant. In 2015 he founded the design studio Calibro in Milan where he works on data-driven design projects and carries out researches in the field of data visualisation and information design.
Related projects
Conference Proceedings
RAWGraphs: A Visualisation Platform to Create Open Outputs full paper
Michele Mauri, Tommaso Elli, Matteo Azzi, Giorgio Uboldi. 2017.
In Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter (p. 28:1–28:5). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Street-level City Analytics: Mapping the Amsterdam Knowledge Mile full paper
Sabine Niederer, Gabriele Colombo, Michele Mauri, Matteo Azzi. 2015.
In I. Theona & D. Charitos (Eds.), Hybrid City 2015: Data to the People (pp. 215–220). Athens: URIAC.
Journal Articles
Climaps by Emaps in 2 Pages (A Summary for Policy Makers and Busy People) link
Michele Mauri, Giorgio Uboldi, Daniele Ciminieri, Matteo Azzi, Tommaso Venturini, Axel Meunier, Anders Munk, David Laniado, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Bernhard Rieder. 2015.
Available at SSRN
Dust: A Visualization Tool Supporting Parents’ School Choice Evaluation Process full paper
Matteo Azzi, Giorgio Caviglia, Donato Ricci, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Loredana Bontempi, Emanuele Bonetti. 2011.
Parsons Journal for Information Mapping, Vol. 3 n° 4