The EMAPS project was an Europea Project funded in the FP7 “science in society” programme (Fund. N° 288964).

The aim of the project is to explore risks and potentials in the use of the web and social media as sources of information and for the development of participatory communication between scientists and different types of public.

Our lab involvement was in the design of interfaces and visualisations able to communicate the results of analysis. Two main controversies were explored: the ageing population in Europe and the climate change adaptation.

The project allowed to open a discussion on the role of design in the communication of studies based on “digital methods” (methods for collecting and analyzing digital traces). The project allowed to identify and structure research methods that are functional to this type of area: first of all the sprint, inspired by hackthon, but aimed at collecting and/or analyzing digital traces.

For more information, visit the official website:

Project outcomes

The project allowed us to explore different ways to visualise and communicate data, using as well different kind of formats.

Here the first atlas of maps realised on the “Ageing population” topic:


The final outcome of the project is the platform: