RAWGraphs is an open source data visualization framework built with the goal of making the visual representation of complex data easy for everyone.
Primarily conceived as a tool for designers and vis geeks, RAWGraphs aims at providing a missing link between spreadsheet applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, OpenRefine) and vector graphics editors (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Sketch).
The project was born in DensityDesign Lab in 2013, and now is maintained by the lab in collaboration with Calibro.
RAWGraphs works with delimiter-separated values (i.e. csv and tsv files) as well as with copied-and-pasted texts from other applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel, TextWrangler, TextEdit, …). Based on the svg format, visualizations can be easily edited with vector graphics applications for further refinements, or directly embedded into web pages.
Knowing the need of working with sensitive information, the data uploaded to RAW is processed only by the web browser: no server-side operations or storages are performed and no one will see, touch or copy your data!
Use it now!
You can use it visiting the project website: rawgraphs.io
Watch a video Introduction
Get the source code
RAWGraphs is also highly customizable and extensible, accepting new custom layouts defined by users. For more information about how to add or edit layouts, see the Github repository.