Archive for the “System” Category

Contemporary Art System | Scenario | Temporary Visibility

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Contemporary Art System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The Contemporary Art System is ruled by logics that make hard the admittance for new players.
Critics, galleries and curators, through their choices, confer on someone the artist status, without which it is impossible to be admitted to the spaces that the system gives.

Contemporary Art System | Scenario | Entrata d'emergenza

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

ContemporarArt System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign. The system… more

Biomapping Cities

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

Christian Nold thinks we should pay more attention to how… more


Monday, January 14th, 2008

Glassbooth helps American citizens in choosing the presidential candidate that… more

Boiling Ocean

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

Boiling Ocean, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The map shows both ocean actual situations and an hypotetic future development according to the issues discussed by oceanographer Vincenzo Artale in his essay.

Project progress report 01 Complexity science approach

Monday, November 5th, 2007

The first step of Density Design Lab. has been accomplished!… more

Idea 2007 Conference Report

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

Thanks to Daniele@Mentegrafica for sharing his experience at idea2007 Here… more

IID – Institute of Design – Design Research Conference

Monday, September 17th, 2007

Who should attend? The ID Design Research Conference will be… more

Christian Nold

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

Christian Nold, originally uploaded by densitydesign. Artist, lecturer, designer, cultural activist … etc.

His website unifies all the strands of his work, from participatory art projects, critical writing as well as new media and physical computing teaching.

6 billion others

Friday, June 29th, 2007

6 billion others, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

A future online repository of thousands of video & audio testimonies as a portrait of contemporary mankind. the people are recorded in a full frame shot so that the closeness of the interviewee’s face generates an intimacy encouraging attentive listening.
The aim of the “6 billion others” project is to create a sensitive & human portrait of the planet’s inhabitants, by revealing each person’s universality & individuality. 6 different directors travel across the world to interview about 6,000 people from 65 different countries. the questions chosen deal with diverse topics, such as family, experiences, what makes us laugh or cry, what gives life meaning, & the like.

(via infosthetics)