ContemporarArt System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
The system of Contemporary Art shows that is possible to enter only when the system itself makes it possible: only when the “men at work” decide that a certain person is an artist. Only in this way an aspirant artist can be seen and heard, but it is not sure that this is enought to be successful and recognized at higher levels.
The main character of our video is a young who have just taken his diploma at Accademia Brera of Milan and who would be recognized as artist. To make that he decides to take part in some competitions, to turn to gallerists or critics asking them if he can exhibit his works, but he receives only negative responses.
When he sees that every doors are closed he is desperate, but he meets some friends, who have had his same problems to enter in the world of Arts. Then they decide to join together in order to speak up for themselves.
They think also to who may listen and finance them in their project.
The hypotesis are three:
- ask a financing to magazine Domus;
- ask a financing to Diesel;
- ask a financing to state.
When the financings are obteined their project can take life: a magazine in which they can speek about themselves and their works and that will be distributed both to public in general and the persons of the sector who had refused them before.