Second step done!
The groups on the basis of an analytic process have made their diagram, a map.
These artifact should become a plataform to act whitin the complexity of the system whit a design intervention.
Second step done!
The groups on the basis of an analytic process have made their diagram, a map.
These artifact should become a plataform to act whitin the complexity of the system whit a design intervention.
C.Stem 2007 is a 3 days long
event focused on on generative systems as a tool as well as medium to draw new conceptual and creative paths
The opening will be on November, the 29th, with an audio/video performance by Valerio Spoletini, creator of V-Scratch, and hardware/software tools for creating both music and visuals using turntable.
On November, the 30th, will be the exhibition, featuring:
Flower Ænigma, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
The riddle may be solved in a 6×6 matrix, where each row and each column must have the entire numeric sequence 1 to 6 ( a small “sudoku”). The numbers in the matrix are the “flower” that the column label number -a single lady- give to each rows label element. If a lady can’t send nor receive the flowers that have her
Boiling Ocean, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
The map shows both ocean actual situations and an hypotetic future development according to the issues discussed by oceanographer Vincenzo Artale in his essay.
loop.pH, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
loop.pH worked for York Art Galley on ‘A light installation that visually displays the changing weather patterns, 2005’.
The project consisted in covering some closed windows on the face of the building with panels reflecting light in hte day and emitting in the night. On the panels loop.pH team designed natural growth patterns on a spiral matrix which is displaying different animations based on informations real-time elaborated by weather stations.
The movement of lights is based on eyes movement and it should be learned as all visual languages we are used to by the public of the museum.
the duck’s family, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Is there an age to learn reading infographics?
In some comics magazines by Disney Companies around the world this family tree has been published. Finally i knew origins of some of my heroes (i like the ‘personalized’ branches like for Scrooge, Gus Goose, Fethry Duck…).
Thanks to Daniele@Mentegrafica for sharing his experience at idea2007 Here… more
digg labs, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
To understand what Digg labs is, is very important to understand what Digg is.
crime spotting, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
The ads I wrote to rent the flat near mine said “looking for open couple, freak single, student only if amazing, young people with particular night life…”. I thought it would help me to find a special and funny neighbour, someone you feel free to ask an egg for your midnight pasta.