Dog thinking, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
“When you live with a dog for five years, as I have with Mister President,
Dog thinking, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
“When you live with a dog for five years, as I have with Mister President,
oil, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Paris – Carte Intégrale, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
BBC World, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Who should attend? The ID Design Research Conference will be… more
RAINFALL, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
The poster follows on from the light calendar series, and is a graph that charts average rainfall in the UK between 1971-2000. The graph itself is styled to resemble a downpour of rain. The bars are plotted directly over the weather station’s that they relate to, which gives an abstracted map of the UK.
Flags by Colours, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Each sector of these piecharts is proportional to the area of the colour on the respective flag.
Using a list of countries generated by The World Factbook database, flags of countries fetched from Wikipedia (as of 26th May 2007) are analysed by a custom made python script to calculate the proportions of colours on each of them.
The Indo-European Family of Languages, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
This diagram from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language has a delightful family tree of Indo-European languages, but it does not explain the complexity of the language evolution and his hystory.
Social Circles – Venn map, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Brad Firzpatrick recently wrote an elegant and important post about the Social Graph, a term used by Facebook to describe their social network In his post, Fitzpatrick defines “social graph” as “the global mapping of everybody and how they’re related”. He went on to outline the problems with it, as well as a broad set of goals going forward…
brief message, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
A Brief Message features design opinions expressed in short form (200 words or less).