Author Archive

Fashion System | Scenario | Milano fashion Weak

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Fashion System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Four times a year Milan receives international press and buyers from all over the world who come to see the male and female pret-à-porter fashion shows.
Milan fashion week, however presents some critical aspects. These problems, if ignored, can reduce its appeal and reliability.
Cities as Copenhagen and New York, thanks to the investments in image and talented youth, give a constant impulse to their economic growth and give us new example to think about.

Fashion System | Scenario | 100% Italian

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Fashion System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The map of fashion shows that Italy the importance of Italian production in the world market of garments and textiles. The trademark “Made in Italy” was introduced to preserve and guard the Italian production on the market. Unfortunately this trademark has been widely bypassed and therefore its credibility is at risk. The demand from fashion companies for low prices costs of production cannot be met from legal Italian manufacturers. This led a blooming of illegal manufacturers that are geographically located in Italy – for the sake of granting the “Made in Italy” trademark- but actually provide the same quality of Chinese manufacturers and especially they exploit inhumanly the workers almost more than Chinese legal manufacturers.

Cinematographic System | Scenario | Beyond the funding: the information

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Cinematographic System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Observing the map we can individualize that Italian funded-by-Government cinema system is affected by a lack of information. In our opinion this failure isn’t to impute exclusively to the audience’s predilection or to the distribution’s profit choices, mainly oriented in giving greater space to “commercial” films. The problem belongs to the system itself because of the absence of information and communication regards not even single film, but also the whole government funds mechanism. In fact the State, through Cultural Ministry (MiBAC), actually supports films just by funds, without any kind of monitoring.

Cinematographic System | Scenario | Muro di gomma

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

The current model of distribution is centered to the movie… more

Contemporary Art System | Scenario | Temporary Visibility

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Contemporary Art System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The Contemporary Art System is ruled by logics that make hard the admittance for new players.
Critics, galleries and curators, through their choices, confer on someone the artist status, without which it is impossible to be admitted to the spaces that the system gives.

Contemporary Art System | Scenario | Entrata d'emergenza

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

ContemporarArt System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign. The system… more

Density live again: scenario performances

Monday, January 21st, 2008

density live on stage 07-08, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

(see all the other photos here!)


Biomapping Cities

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

Christian Nold thinks we should pay more attention to how… more

Modalità semiosiche

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

Icona, Indice e Simbolo non sono solo “tre tipi di segni”. Sono innanzitutto tre modalità semiosiche. La semiosi, il passaggio dall’Oggetto Dinamico alla Rappresentazione segnica, e da qui all’Interpretante, è un processo (ad esempio di trasformazione, di traduzione, di correlazione e di stabilizzazione delle correlazioni, ecc.) e tale processo è appunto caratterizzato da tre modalità:


Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

A set of graphic visualizzation about the movie Memento by Christopher Nolan (2000).
The film’s events unfold in two separate, alternating narratives—one in color, and the other in black and white. Leonard’s investigation is depicted in five-minute color sequences that are in reverse chronological order. As each scene begins, Leonard has just lost his recent memories, leaving him unaware of where he is or what he was doing. The scene ends just after its events fade from his memory. The black and white sections are told in chronological order, showing Leonard conversing with an anonymous phone caller in a motel room. By the film’s end, the two narratives converge into a single color sequence.