For the final assignment of this year’s DesnityDesign Lab., our… more
For the final assignment of this year’s DesnityDesign Lab., our… more
Here you can find the videos made by students for the last exercise of this year’s DensityDesign lab course. Enjoy!
The results of the second exercise of the DensityDesign lab course are online!
This is a very interesting set of projects done some… more
An interesting video about digital cartography.
Science Machine from Chad Pugh on Vimeo.
Knowing Complex Systems. The limits of understanding
Due to their non-linear nature, complex systems are incompressible. They are also open systems and cannot be understood without also understanding their environments and their history. To fully know something complex will therefore involve incorporating all the complexity of the system and its environment. This not humanly possible, perhaps not even possible in principle. Thus, our models of complex systems always have to reduce the complexity. Since what is left out also has non-linear effects, we cannot predict the error made in the reduction. The modelling and understanding of complex system thus always involve an element of choice which cannot be justified by pure calculation. There is always a normative element involved.
Quoting from Paola Antonelli interiew: What has changed in scale… more
Infrastrucute System | Spactio, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Spactio as presence in territory, such as the need to make their voice heard; as acronym of Society for Action who must undergo decisions taken far away from him.
Spactio is a project of Federconsumatori which aims in involving citizens in decisions concerning the construction of new infrastructure. Instead of being passive part, thanks to Spactio tools, now citizens can create a way to enter to the decision-making table bringing their proposals.
Infrastructure System | Fedora, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
“In the center of Fedora, that gray stone metropolis “, there is a multitude of crystal globes. Inside each crystal globe you can find a different figure, a fine model about a conceivable metropolis.
Fedora project means to show thinking diversities, questions, troubles and each possible hypothesis while we plan an infrastructural project. Fedora belongs to our social world: it is sharing information, it is our memory.