Insecurity and its features

This year’s DensityDesign lab course at Politecnico di Milano focuses on the insecurity theme as a social dimension.

The lack of certainty is in fact a distinctive feature of our contemporary society: the variable economic trends, the unstable work dynamics, the commodification of job and the environmental issues are only few agents of uncertainty.

The educational purpose is to teach how to observe, understand and let others see what we have understood. The aim of the project is to facilitate policy makers and citizens in making more conscious decisions.

The first exercise of the course focused on the visualization of statistical data from official sources (e.g. ISTAT, the Italian National Institute of Statistics). The students (which were divided in groups and given a sub-theme each) had to both visualize this data and to create a system map which represents actor, relations and flows. You can see the results of their work on flickr!

All hope abandon ye who enter here | Personal Security


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