Hospital System | H.Story, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
A narrative based medicine project
H.story is a project that wants to promove the diffusion of the Narrative Based Medicine in the Italian hospitals. So the patients can express themselves, and this will help them to live a better time in hospital.
The goal is to produce and provide informative material on the Narrative Medicine, to awaken patients and people outside the hospital through events and informative campaigns. Furthermore the H.story diaries will be given in the hospitals: diaries in which the patients will be able to read stories and experiences written by patients, but there will be white pages to be written by you! It Will be you that -through your narration- will complete the diary. The narration of the illness will support your sensitiveness and furthermore sharing it with other people, will make it a very important resource!
[…] | user-saved public links | iLinkShare 3 votesHospital System | H.Story>> saved by Nicky4Seddon 1 days ago2 votesRareShare, un social network per le patologie rare>> saved […]
October 31st, 2008 at 8:33 am