A key feature of the DensityDesign Lab is strong integration between didactic and research activities. Teaching is where we start to develop our thoughts, conceptual tools, and methodologies and remains the arena where we verify our findings. DensityDesign owes its origins to a design course that formed part of the final year of the Master Degree in Communication Design at Politecnico di Milano. Throughout our courses and workshops, we use an interdisciplinary approach to enable students to master visual representation in the widest sense. We draw on the expertise of professors and professionals from several disciplines, from computer science to semiotics and statistics to sociology.
We wish to thank the following people for their valuable contributions over the years in developing the course methodology and structure:
Mauro Carichini, Alessandro Casinovi, Daniele Galiffa, Stefano Mandato, Marco Maiocchi, Simona Maschi, Massimo Randone, Federico Vidari, Salvatore Zingale.