Nowadays scientific communication towards public is limited to spread results of research, basing on principles of authority; these results, always presented as clear and unambiguous, are instead outcomes of long and difficult battles, skirmishes and debates between researchers in accordance with procedures set. Quoting Pierre Bourdieu, “Science is a vaste machinery of collective construction used collectively.” Reality is different and more complex from how it might appear at first glance; there is unfortunately no interest to spread this process outside the field, to reveal this “secret” to the public. The thesis aims to create a communication model that shows this process and allows people to have the necessary skills to critically evaluate the outcomes, avoiding deceptions.
It starts from the analysis of scientific world with the aim of understanding the structure, the main actors and their interactions to create a common truth, passing trough the analysis of the scientific communication model and comparing it with the popular one, to define considerables differences .
Finally it analyzes a series of case studies that demonstrate how outcomes can be easily distorted if they aren’t communicated together with the process.