Author Archive

Death and Taxes

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

Death and Taxes, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The budger graph is visual guide to USA federal taxes, ‘Death and Taxes’ is a representational graph of the federal discretionary budget.

Man as machine

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Man as machine, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

For thousands of years human beings have used metaphors as ways of understanding the body. We talk about our ‘ear drums’, or our ‘mind’s eye’. When we are in love we say our hearts are ‘bursting’ or ‘broken’. When we are nervous we say we have ‘butterflies in our stomach’. When we are impatient we have ‘itchy feet’. These familiar images help to explain the unfamiliar and to comprehend the complexity of our bodies.

Man as machine, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The image above, by the artist Fritz Kahn,

Humane index

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

humane index, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The Humane Index is the first-ever attempt to determine the overall humaness of America’s largest metro areas. See how your city ranks when it comes to celebrating animals and confronting cruelty. Then take action to help create a truly humane society.
(via swissmiss)


Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Music, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

“players may not fly above the audience during performance”

Abstract art

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Abstract art, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

An interactive, clickable, version can be found here


Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Tantra, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Diagram illustrating how the transcendent system of Cosmic Space is subtly related through layers of matter and space to the world of Jambudvipa

Heineken diagram

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Heineken diagram, originally uploaded by densitydesign.


Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Have you ever been so confused by the complexity of… more

World Economic Forum

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

WEF, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

World Economic Forum site provides a insightful visual summary about how global economic decision makers look at the world… and what they see.

Teeth graphic

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

Teethgraphic, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

This graph is a visual record showing the health of a patient’s gums.
The red dots indicate bleeders that appear as the dentist probes the gums for their health. The graph-like bars that over-lay the teeth are measures of the gaps between the teeth and the gum.

(via Communication Nation)