DensityDesign Lab is looking for a talented developer to join the research team!
As a design research lab based at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy we are focused on the visual explorations of social, organizational and urban phenomena through the design of information visualizations and interactive tools.
We are looking for someone constantly updated on both the theoretical and technical aspects of the development of web applications, interfaces, and data management in order to contribute actively to the research projects.
The candidates should be able to:
– develop interfaces and interactive visualizations using the most recent web technologies, such as HTML5, JavaScript, AJAX, Canvas elements and relative libraries and frameworks (jQuery, d3.js, knockout.js, backbone.js, …);
– conceive and develop back-end parts and databases: server-side implementations will be based on web frameworks (Django, API REST) and SQL/noSQl databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB);
– easily manage and manipulate different data formats (CSV, JSON, XML);
– share, document and maintain the code using collaborative revision control systems (GitHub);
Qualified candidates should have a master’s degree, an online portfolio of work and demonstrated code abilities. An orientation toward open-source methodologies and communities is also welcome.
For more information click here