Fashion System | My Fashion, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
1 Fashion in the world
Fashion is illustrated from a worldwide point of view in its main four categories: design (fashion schools), production (import and export of textile and apparel), advertising (press and fashion shows) and retailing (high street and low cost).
2 Hidden Treasures in the System
A further analysis describes how the high street fashion brands operate. A stylist is responsible for the design that is then manufactured. The outcome penetrates the apparel market via fashion press, shows and finally retailing and -commerce.
There are some underemployed figures in this system. On one side there is redundancy of designers that therefore lack a good income and visibility. On the other hand there are underemployed tailors, a profession in extinction due to the hegemony of brand’s marketing and high labour costs. The third figure is represented by the consumers. American surveys indicates that many apparel buyers are not satisfied with the style and the fit currently available. These consumers would buy custom made garments but they can’t afford them. These three adrift figures could gain profits if connected through one platform.
3 MyFashion
There are already some websites offering custom made affordable apparel but they lack attention on design and they keep anonymous the process of tailoring. MyFashion is instead a unique infrastructure that turns the visibility of the employs into one of his main value: individuality or personality. Specifically MyFashion provides three steps of individuality. The first is the individuality of the designer who has his own profile page with a system ofr ating. e second is the individuality of the client who receives a dress that simply fits his measurement and that he can customize by choosing details in the design. The third individuality belong to the tailor that will have his own profile page and a system of ratings
The user who accesses the site for the first time can find a suitable garment by making a search query about a certain style. This leads to a page with the list of designers who have at least one collection about the requested style. The user can see the picture, the name and the rating of each designer. If interested in one he can click it and accesses the full profile with the designer’s works and resume. From there he can choose a piece of garment and secondly he can inserts his measurements and customize it by choosing the fabric, the colour and adding other additional details. At this step the last thing the user needs to choose is to go trough the lists of tailors available. Every garment at MyFashion is indeed manufactured entirely by one tailor who is responsible for the whole technical quality. Once again ratings, previous works and resume helps the user to choose. After a couple of weeks the clients finally receive his shipped order and is invited to provide a feed back to contribute to the site ratings system.
5 How passers become top models
For creating interest about MyFashion a performance has been designed to take place in one of the fashion capitals of the world during a fashion week. The event will happen in the crowded street where most of apparel stores are located. A runway is laid down on the pavement where passers inevitably have to walk on. Once someone is walking on the runway the passer got surprised by the flashes of many professional photographers taking pictures like in a fashion show. The passer has been suddenly become the protagonist of a fashion show indeed. Once surprised the person received an invitation to discover the latest MyFashion collections on the website.