Cinematographic System | Scenario, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
Observing the map we can individualize that Italian funded-by-Government cinema system is affected by a lack of information. In our opinion this failure isn’t to impute exclusively to the audience’s predilection or to the distribution’s profit choices, mainly oriented in giving greater space to “commercial” films. The problem belongs to the system itself because of the absence of information and communication regards not even single film, but also the whole government funds mechanism. In fact the State, through Cultural Ministry (MiBAC), actually supports films just by funds, without any kind of monitoring. Going deeply, we discover that in the present situation, since the Cultural-Ministry-ad-hoc-committee assigns the public funding to a director and a producer, who previously presented the script and an advanced business plan, the producers are the only ones charged with the developing of the movie and the Ministry doesn’t keep track of its processing. In this way, a gap is created between the movie and its future release (mostly, wished in vain). The movie, in which typically doesn’t star many famous actors who could easily bring on some attention, doesn’t receive the right care by cinemas owners, distributors companies and informations media, typical items between the authors and their recipients: for this reason, the movie comes to life with spare possibilities to be seen, which is very conflicting with the wording “cultural good” assigned by the Ministry.
So we hypothesize a scenario, an evolution of the system based on the introducing of a new subject that would make more transparent the funds activity. Our scenario doesn’t propose to include the Ministry in the production of the movie, because our goal doesn’t consist in letting someone else (except the artistic cast) to affect the contents or the artistic choices of the film, even if it’s a ministerial committee. The main idea is rather a “place” (a website) in which the Cultural Ministry could provide suitable informations about the processing of the movie, from funding approval to shooting-start, from post-production to release date, in order to create a sort of beneficent expectation to whom the website users are called to participate as upcoming movie-goer, uploading many types of contents (photos, videos, news, interviews, opinions, biography and careers editing…).
In this way the awareness about funds activity and the creation of expectation, produced by detailed informations, would guaranteed new visibility and popularity to these film.