Reviewing the book “Shaping Things“, written by Bruce Sterling, John… more
Reviewing the book “Shaping Things“, written by Bruce Sterling, John… more
Each election period reminds us that magazines and newspapers are playing a fundamental role in the evolution of infographics as a diffused and common (public) language.
Infographics are more and more used not only to communicate data and information, but also to produce eye-catching, evocative illustrations, to be shown in magazine covers. It happens sometimes that the evocative purpose prevails on the informative one, like in the n.1041 of the “Il Venerdì”, a weekly supplement-magazine of the “La Repubblica”, one of the major italian newspaper.
The DensityDesign team is involved in the organization of the workshop “Complexity maps” included in the programme of the Summer School entitled “Designing Connected Places” :
Designing Connected Places is an international summer design school. But there is much more. It is also a programme for action throughout Piemonte. Using the tools of design, solutions will be outlined for 6 problems expressed by 6 local bodies. These are: health and well-being, food and new food networks, urban mobility, security and quality of life in the city, new production systems, and forms of representation of the region and its communities.
The workshop will be leaded by Christian Nold. Apply now!
Combloux, originally uploaded by densitydesign.
A visual artifact from 1928. A picture catched in a restaurant: even eating typical food the Density eye is always looking for complexity! Quite similar (in the approach) to some of the new maps of our Density laboratory course (i.e. Cinema, Media and Hospitals).
After four years, the time is ripe to reveal the… more
It’s (quasi) official: next Academic Year (07/08) we’ll come to… more