Jaime Serra works | Visual Journalism

Lucia Pigliapochi for DensityDesign Lab

On tuesday night at CaixaForum in Barcelona, I had the pleasure to attend the reading of the Columns that Jaime Serra published en La Avanguardia since 2010. The occasion was the book presentation of Una paradoja domenical (A Sunday paradox) that presents a selection of his columns with an infographic poster on the back side.

Jaime Serra is the head of infographic and illustration department of La Vanguardia, the catalonian journal. Since 1990 he has been worked visualizing information and ideas and he had a big role in the diffusion of infographic in the newspapers redesign revolution working between Europe and Southamerica.
In Italy we know his job because he is one of the creator of the visual style of main journals: Il Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 Ore and La Stampa. He worked for many others international journals for example The indipendend and the argentinian Clarín where he experimented de plastic info graphics.
Through his Sunday column he offers a reflection about the reality by playing with words and visualizations: drawings, photographs, infographics, illustrations. His genius passes through irony and satire and he breaks boundaries by melting infographic with opinion, art and individual expression.
It could be possible read (in spanish) the book of his columns published in La Avanguardia here.
If you want to have a panoramic view of Jaime Serra his blog offers samples of his work. If you want to have a look through the infographics of La Avanguardia you could click here.
The Columns reading has been introduced by José Luis de Vicente, a spanish journalist and commissary of exhibitions of art and digital culture. He talked about the importance of visualization in decision making. He presented emblematic personage such as Florence Nightingale: she were a nurse and during the Crimean War she demonstrated by collecting data and displaying it, that the British hospital system had to be reorganize.

Lucia has a Master Degree in Communication Design at the Politecnico di Milano. She prepared her thesis about Daily life information and form design at DensityDesign.
She worked at the Communication Department at Isia Urbino during an year. Now she is based in Barcelona, where she works at Rocío Martinavarro Studio.
Some of her projects are in Behance Network.



  1. 1. Inform, Engage and Inspire: an Interview with Jen Christiansen | Communication Breakdown Says:

    […] for samples of Jaime Serra’s work. (Don’t miss the whale at the bottom of this page). Here’s a lovely written introduction to his work from Density […]

  2. 2. Inform, Engage and Inspire: an Interview with Jen Christiansen – Science Communication Breakdown Says:

    […] for samples of Jaime Serra’s work. (Don’t miss the whale at the bottom of this page). Here’s a lovely written introduction to his work from Density […]

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