The project’s aim is to create a freely available, scalable, web‐based, information visualization tool based on schools open-data from major metros. This tool will help firstly parents but also urban education providers, policy makers, and education researchers to make data‐driven decisions related to their own needs.
User will be guided through a step by step decision making process and he will be able to evaluate variables according to their needs. These variables include mobility data (distance, transport, neighbourhood), generic school data (enrollment, class size, number of teachers), school performance data (school subjects score/proficiency, attendance).
As output of user choices, a set of schools will be displayed on a map and he will have the possibility to compare them.
Dust attempt to overcome the limit of current visualization tools used in data-exploration of complex, multidimensional and georeferenced phenomena (phenomena characterized by a large number of interconnected variables) by using an intuitive user interface and direct and simple charts visualization.
Thanks to these features Dust will shift from an information visualization design paradigm characterized as “by experts for experts” to one described as information visualization “for the people” having a real impact on their daily life.