Visual Cooking | Variazioni grafiche in cucina

Finally we’re able to show the result of a side project, part of the DensityDesign Lab teaching program: the visualization of complex experiences and processes. Our students faced the preparation of “Risotto al radicchio tardivo”, a traditional Italian dish. Like any cooking experience, it can’t be exhaustively represented by linear languages (i.e. textual recipes). It’s a matter of interactions between many variables: the familiarity with the raw materials, the choice of the tools and how to us them till time management and the scheduling of the different moments of the preparation. Variables and connections make the preparation of the dish a complex experience, calling for diagrammatic representations.


  1. 1. Visual Cooking, quando la cucina incontra l’infografica - Poliving Says:

    […] da Density Design un libro (sfogliabile su Issuu) particolarmente interessante definito dagli autori stessi come […]

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